Kiveton & Wales Heritage

Kiveton & Wales Heritage

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Names beginning with N

Alfred Harry Newbold (b. 1872, Kiveton) was a reservist at the outbreak of war having served previously with KOYLI (enlisted at Pontefract 7th Jan 1895).  His service saw him travel to India in 1896, and South Africa during the Boer War of 1899 – 1902.  He married Sarah Catherine Eden on 2nd Dec 1904 (registered in Chesterfield district) and in 1911 they were living on Westthorpe Green, Killamarsh.  He was discharged from the regular army to reserves on 7thJanuary 1907 and later worked at Kiveton Park Colliery.  At the outbreak of war, he re-enlisted at Derby on 27th Aug 1914 and served with Notts and Derby regiment (6229).  He was sent to Gallipolli, where he was wounded in the head, subsequently hospitalised in Malta.  He was discharged 17th April 1916 to basecamp, then sent to France. On 16th Aug 1916 he was transferred to the Lincolnshire regiment and on 21st Sept 1918 promoted to corporal.  He was released for mining 22nd Oct 1918 to 97 South Terrace, Wales Bar and fully discharged 3rd March 1919.


The Newton brothers George, Eli and Levi were the sons of Frederick and Emily Newton of The Old Vicarage, Church Street, Wales.  Pioneer Eli Winter Newton (b.1882) was known as Winter Newton and married Alice Archer, who lived at the farm in Wales Square, at St John's church in March 1910.  They had 2 daughters Mildred and Gwendoline and his occupation was a butcher.  He served with the Royal Engineers (inland waterways and docks), service number WR335330, having enlisted on 11th Dec 1915.  He was transferred to the Manchester Regiment, 2/7th Battalion, on 24 Jan 1917.  Between 9th and 26th Oct 1917 he was suffering with Trench fever and was then posted back to the front.  However, on 3rd Dec 1917 he suffered a recurrence of Trench fever and was taken to hospital, subsequently returned to England on HMS St Patrick. He was discharged 14th Dec 1918 to his home address stated as The Hut, Wales.

Second Lieutenant George Robert Newton (b.1884, Wales) had previously served in the army so was in the Reserves at the outbreak of war.  He re-enlisted into the Coldstream Guards at the rank of sergeant and was soon at the frontline, being wounded in November 1914 at the battle of Aisne, and subsequently moved to a Manchester Hospital.  While he lay in the hospital he wrote a letter home which gives a glimpse into what the conditions were like, an extract of  which was published in the Sheffield Telegraph on 27th November 1914:

“It’s like a dream" to find oneself in old England again.  I am, of course, pleased to get back again, many of my chums are now where there is no war or pain.  A young drummer was shot dead the same time as I received my wounds.  We had been in the trenches for about a week without rest – just imagine what that means: living in a hole with a foot of water in and very little food.

Every ---- brought up was under fire. During the night one gets very little sleep owing to sudden attacks, in fact, the previous night to my being wounded, I had no sleep at all.  I was out --- company with six others on patrol when I got hit.  I was sent out of the trenches accompanied by a Red Cross man of the field ambulance, half a mile behind the trenches.  I was bandaged up by a doctor in a small farmhouse kitchen.  Then I walked about 2 miles to the ambulance wagon, got in and rode 5 miles, still under artillery fire, to the town of Ypres.  Here I was dressed again by a medical officer and later entered a motor ambulance for the station.  When in the train a shell struck my carriage and we were ordered to leave and walk out of the fire zone.  It was an awful sight. Some men injured in the feet were riding on the backs of men who were themselves wounded in the arms or other parts of the body.

Poor ------- from our college was killed in action.  Only two of us walked to the front – one killed and the others wounded – not a bad sacrifice.  I wish the young men would enlist quickly, if not, I am afraid it will mean conscription.

He returned to the frontline and was promoted to 2nd lieutenant in July 1916, taking a commission on the Duke of Cornwall Regiment.  George was also a lay preacher and a bit of a poet, with one of his poems being published at a benefit evening for Arthur Redfern.

Levi and George Robert Newton Report

Private Levi Newton (b. 1883) served with the Labour Battery as part of the West Yorkshire regiment and suffered from dysentry which was reported in the Worksop Guardian (see right).



Zilphah Mary Nicholls (later Froggatt) was born 1898 at Normanton Barracks.  She joined the Women's Royal Air Force on 12th June 1918 (11732.00) and was employed sewing fabric to airplanes.  She later worked as a telephonist and married Edward Froggatt in 1919.  She died in 1973.

Private Arthur Noble (b.1887) was the son of Fred and Mary Noble and lived on Hard Lane, Kiveton.  He worked at Kiveton Park Colliery and was a well-known cricketer and footballer prior to the war, playing for Kiveton.  He was amongst the 89 men who enlisted on 2nd September 1914 in the St John’s rooms at Kiveton, joining the Notts and Derby regiment.  His right leg was amputated as a result of a gunshot wound to the thigh.  A benefit football match was organised by Kiveton FC to raise money for him, reported in Worksop Guardian 4th janury 1918:

FOOTBALL – A football match for the benefit of Lance-Corporal A. Noble was played on New Year’s Day, on the Kiveton Park ground, between Kiveton Park Athletic and Normanton Springs, resulting in a handsome win for the Athletic by 5-1. The arrangements were in the hands of Mr. A. Hall and Mr. D. Fairbrother and their efforts are much appreciated.


Private George Albert Northridge (b.1883) lived with his wife Florence at 20 Kirkcroft Square, Killamarsh and worked at Kiveton Park Colliery.  He served with the Notts and Derby Regiment, 1/5th Battalion (18184) having enlisted in October 1914.  He was killed just before the end of the war on 22nd September 1918 and is commemorated on Viz-en-Artois memorial (panel 7) and also appears on the Kiveton Park Colliery memorial.


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